Have you thought about what you would do if you lost your job? Do you have a plan B? Why not give Watkins a try?
Start the new year with a new adventure!!!
No monthly quotas or auto-ships.
A business with Watkins offers you all this:
Residual Income (earn money even when you choose to take time off)
• Excellent income and bonuses for your efforts
• In-demand Products (with almost 150 years of heritage)
• You get to choose how you want to build your business
• Completely Flexible Hours (leaves time for what’s truly important in your life)
• Do as much or as little as makes sense for you at any point (never any pressure)
• Ultra-low Start-Up Costs
• Free Training and Support
• Great Friendship and Fun
Get all the FREE details.http://www.worldsbestnaturals.com
We are always looking for new distributors!
Renee - Watkins Independent Bronze Manager Associate #398265