Thursday, January 19, 2017

15 uses for J.R. Watkins Medicated Ointment

JR Watkins Medicated Ointment
Did you know that JR Watkins Medicated Ointment has many uses besides for colds? Take a look at the long list of ailments that it can help with.

1. Sore Throat
2. Decongestant
3. Coughs
4. Sore Muscles
5. Headaches
6. Ear Aches
7. Nail Fungus
8. Mosquito Repellent
9. Itchy Bug Bites
10. Cracked Heels
11. Acne
12. Cold Sores
13. Spinters
14. Cat Deterrent
15. Skin Irrations & Cold Sores

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